
The voice of The Apache Software Foundation

ApacheCon Seville 2016 – How to Generate a Deployable REST CXF3 Application from a Swagger-Contract – Johannes Fiala

March 18, 2017

How to Generate a Deployable REST CXF3 Application from a Swagger-Contract – Johannes Fiala

This talk will show how you can use Swagger-Codegen to generate a complete REST application using Apache CXF3 based on a Swagger contract and deploy it to application servers.

Features in the generated server stub include:

* Bean-Validation

* Logging

* Automatic operation validation using @Valid

* Using transparent gzipping of requests

First I’ll demo how to generate the applications & how they work in the container (Tomcat + Jboss EAP), showing how the features work there.

The talk will continue how this is done using Mustache-templates in Swagger-Codegen and how additional features can be added to the generator (e.g. adding forced Gzip-support, enhancing test cases, add additional configuration files, etc.).

Additionally the Swagger toolchain will be shown during the talk (Swagger UI, Swagger Editor, Swagger2Markup to generate PDFs).

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